Do you struggle with feeling rejected, neglected or unloved? Do you have unexplained anxiety when you enter an establishment, hear or see something, or a distinct smell that makes you want to isolate? Bursts of emotions or overwhelming feeling, such as shame, guilt, fear, unexplained anger, mood swings, nervousness, or phobias? Does your brain constantly portray negative thoughts or images? Have you experienced trauma just not sure what?
When we endured a traumatic experience, the aftereffects are embedded in our physiology. Which means, the body remembers what the mind does not. The overwhelming sensations or dysregulation keeps us stuck in survival mode where ruminating, negative thoughts progress based on our brains inability to function properly with the underdeveloped Pre-Frontal Cortex; which is offline.
This workbook was written by a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, Board Certified Mental Health Coach and Complex Trauma/cPTSD Coach, who used over 30+ years of life experiences combined together with neuroscience to bring forth understanding and proven healing and recovery techniques all in one book.
The tailored approach in this workbook will help you identify complex trauma, discover the root cause of your patterns, reduce ruminating thoughts, set healthy boundaries, overcome many obstacles and challenges with proven tools and exercises so you can move forward
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